What is Self Care and Where Do I Begin?

Everyone’s self care routines & rituals look different.

One’s idea of self care might be a candle lit bubble bath with a glass of wine, while the other's idea of self care might be grabbing a drink and socializing with others to absorb energy externally.

OR it can be a mix of both.

But how do you know which one is right for you, and where do you begin to create & set your own?

Well love - in this blog, we’re going to go through the basics of self care and discover your values, so you can set your own self care rituals & routines.

self care guide


By definition, self care is the practice of taking the necessary actions to preserve or improve your own health by taking an active role in protecting your own wellbeing and happiness.

It sounds straightforward, but when I first began my journey, “self care” seemed so hard.

I’ve tried all different types of workout routines, diets, and activities that I’ve seen elsewhere. 

While some activities helped to improve my mental and physical health, others felt more like a task than to help me unwind, which ultimately led me to fall back to my old sabotaging habits.

That’s when I realized -

If you don’t know what you love & what you don’t, you’re going to have to go through so much more trial and error before discovering what works for you.

So, in order to save time and too much effort in creating your own personalized self care routines and rituals, here are some basic things you should know.


You can take as many bubble baths as you’d like, or you can spend hours on your skincare routine, working out, and meditating. But can you really say you’re taking care of yourself when you overlook your overall health?

Love yourself enough to take good care of yourself before anything else: Never put off visiting a doctor & always follow up on your appointments. 

Pick a month out of the year (I personally do it anuually, but you can choose to do it quarterly or semiannually) where you make the appointments to see your doctors. 

And my love, please don’t disregard your mental health - It’s an important aspect of maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.

Unresolved mental illness can manifest itself into physical illness and hinder your journey. HERE are some tips if you’re looking to further dive into mental health recovery.

↓↓↓ FREE Printable Checklist for my lovelies ↓↓↓
self care health checklist


Caring fully for yourself can be best achieved by living according to your values.

selfcare finding values


Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Who are you? 
(Not your name or what you do, but who you are as a person)
2. When were you happiest?
3. When were you most proud?
4. When were you most fulfilled & most satisfied?

Now, based on your answers to the questions above, think of the reasons why these moments were the most memorable and important to you.

From this, you should be able to determine what you value the most, and going forward, make choices and set your boundaries based on these values. 


It’s okay if you can’t come up with the answers immediately. Take your time answering these questions, and revisit the answers the next day if you need to. 

But most importantly, remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. 


Self care is NOT a trend.

It’s about understanding yourself and your needs, and committing to fitting this into your life without feeling guilty. 

Don’t compare your journey to others, but find what rituals work best based on your values and focus on your own growth.

Healing won’t be linear. There will be many ups and downs throughout, but that’s what journey’s are supposed to be!

So with that said, 

Have you figured out your values and what self care means for you? 

Let me know in the comment section, and let’s start this journey together.


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